Concept: obscure the humanity of wearer to create interest/ wonder


01. Size up

Inspired by the frilled lizard, the piece will expand and shake to dramatically shift the silhouette. Ideally, the expansion of the frills will be responsive to sounds produced by the wearer/ musician, with larger and more dramatic movement corresponding to the magnitude of the generated noise. The “sails” will be constructed of thinner fabric to enable free folding/ motion, while the “spines” will provide structure. Pouch motors and other actuators mounted to the back (shoulders) will interact with the frame to create different movements.


02. Veil

Drawing inspiration from Hussein Chalayan’s “possessed dress”, the piece drapes over the entirety of the wearer, and creates motion in the fabric to make audiences intrigued with what is hidden. Ideally, the feeling of humanity is reduced by generating non-human forms under the veil. The piece will respond to sound, movement in sync with each note played by the musician. Draped fabric, while completely non-transparent, must also be light to allow for dramatic movement. Actuators can be mounted to the brim of the hat, and potentially throughout the body of the wearer to create intriguing/ jarring silhouettes.


03. Weight

Inspired by swamp monsters/ wraiths, the piece creates a ghillie-like silhouette, obscuring the human form. Like most ghillie suits, the garment will be covered in light, stringy/ torn fabric to achieve large volume through layering. Responding to sound, the piece trembles when the wearer plays a note, creating an unsettling “growl”. Actuators can be spread throughout the suit, motors driving action in different sections to ensure motion is even across the piece.