Hatching studies:
I wasn’t super engrossed by this programming assignment, and I was sort of busy this week so some of these are slightly uninspired. I did think I was being silly/clever with the second row, which is a bunch of people, because Golan described hatching as “approximating gray tones using assemblies of lines“, and I usually think of a bunch of people when I think of the word assembly 🙂
I was told that the third row looked like the effects from super paper mario and the fourth one looked like the patterns on couches from the 80’s, which I thought was really funny. I like these kinds of patterns:
They’re so funny and garish. I could figure out a way to make a fun background for myself in the spirit of these designs. Anyway I’m not really on topic anymore.
Credit: I used this library to export an SVG from p5js.