I always thought some of the rules in Cellular automatons often resembled Iberian tilings and thought it would be cool to do something like that. Also plotted animation is awesome and I wanted to give it a try.
I made an interface that allows me to modify the rules for the CA as well as the starting seed of the algorithm (including a random seed).
For those wondering how the pattern works, in essence, it utilizes a persistence effect and retains some of the cells from the previous iteration marked with a different pattern. This results in four total layers where each of the four patterns can be overlayed on top of each other.
(off cell) (on cell)
(off*,1) (off*,2)
(off*, n)-> off, last on n frames ago.
Conway’s game of life + basic interface:
I added some of the pictures/themes I was considering in making this below. Obviously, not all of the pictures fit my idea in the final cut. But I experimented with a lot of these ideas. I originally started out by making hyperbolic tilings, which proved to be kind of annoying to implement given the timeframe though. I really like CA’s and tilings though, so I went with that.
Hyperbolic tilings:
Kuna (mola):
Zenu (Sinu):
Azulejas (portuguese/spaniard/iberoamerican):
Colombian azulejos/tiles:
Previous stuff I’ve done with CAs: