grape – ProjectProposal

For my project I’m planning on figuring out how to use pitch detection for real-time axidraw-ing. It’s already turning out be be a bigger challenge than I anticipated (just with finding pitch-osc right now) but I think after I figure that out it will be alright. I sort of want to plot an asemic language which records something in relation to pitch detection. I create a lot of mini songs in my spare time, but I usually just save them as voice memos in my phone.

[videopack id=”1934″][/videopack]

So I thought it’d be cool if there was a way to turn this into a paper form rather than what it is now (still thinking about how I’d go about this).

Following MidSemester critique, one of the guest critics mentioned wanted to see my organic cell generation bounded in a shape that was less square. So I’m also planning on making little paper chains of cells in the shape of a human body – just thought it’d be fun to do, maybe a little creepy too.

I also want to create a kind of tessellation that resembles the patterns found in chinese paper cutting so that I can axidraw it onto my laptop using the super cool aren pen.