
The hortum machina is a dynamic geodesic space frame driven by plant reaction to external stimuli. Plant trays at the core of the frame move outwards when the driving system detects plant need for light. The tray movement displaces the space frame’s center of gravity causing the frame to roll.

The hortum machina explores an organic engine for dynamism in the mostly static field of buildings structures. It portends a future of dynamic building elements.

The use of multiple sensors to measure the electrophysiological state of the plants and thereby trigger movement of the plant trays is impressive.

In its current state, however, it is still an unwieldy and unsafe prototype with no conceivable direct application.

The project makers based their creation on Buckminster Fuller’s 1968 publication ‘Operating Manual for Spaceship Earth’ about sustainable use and care of the earth’s finite resources; going further to explore interaction between people and nature.

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