Anthony Ra – Project02 – Variable Faces


var eyeSize = 20;
var eye = 40;
var faceWidth = 100;
var faceHeight = 130;
var fillet = 100;
var head = 50;
var headd = 50;
var teeth = 20;
var sideStache = 7;
var r, g, b;

function setup() {
  createCanvas(480, 600);
  background(220, 250, 220);
  r = random(255);
  g = random(255);
  b = random(255);


function draw() {

/* fixed symbol */
fill(70, 200, 0);
triangle(240, 20, 210, 100, 225, 100);

fill(150, 230, 0);
triangle(240, 20, 225, 100, 255, 100);

fill(70, 200, 0);
triangle(240, 20, 255, 100, 270, 100);

fill(30, 150, 0);
triangle(210, 100, 225, 100, 240, 180);

fill(70, 200, 0);
triangle(225, 100, 240, 180, 255, 100);

fill(30, 150, 0);
triangle(240, 180, 255, 100, 270, 100);

fill(250, 220, 190);
rect(width/2, height*3/5, faceWidth, faceHeight, fillet);
var eyeLX = width/2 - faceWidth*0.4;
var eyeRX = width/2 + faceWidth*0.4;

/* neck */
fill(250, 220, 190);
rect(width/2, height*4/5, faceWidth - 15, 185);

/* beard */
fill(90, 35, 5);
arc(width/2, height*3/5 + 30, faceWidth*2, faceHeight*2 - 50, TWO_PI, PI);

fill(250, 220, 190);
arc(width/2, height*3/5 + 30, faceWidth*2, faceHeight + 20, TWO_PI, PI);

/* eye */
ellipse(eyeLX, height*3/5 - 30, eye, eyeSize);
ellipse(eyeRX, height*3/5 - 30, eye, eyeSize);

ellipse(eyeLX, height*3/5 - 30, eyeSize, eyeSize);
ellipse(eyeRX, height*3/5 - 30, eyeSize, eyeSize);

/* ear */
fill(240, 220, 190);
arc(width/2 - faceWidth, height*3/5, 2*eyeSize, 2*eye, HALF_PI, HALF_PI + PI);
arc(width/2 + faceWidth, height*3/5, 2*eyeSize, 2*eye, HALF_PI + PI, HALF_PI);

fill(220, 200, 170);
arc(width/2 - faceWidth, height*3/5, eyeSize, eye, HALF_PI, HALF_PI + PI);
arc(width/2 + faceWidth, height*3/5, eyeSize, eye, HALF_PI + PI, HALF_PI);

fill(90, 35, 5);
rect(eyeLX, height*1/2 + 5, 5 + eye/2, eyeSize/4, fillet/25);
rect(eyeRX, height*1/2 + 5, 5 + eye/2, eyeSize/4, fillet/25);

/* hair */
fill(80, 30, 5);
ellipse(205, 225, head*2, head + 10);

fill(90, 35, 5);
triangle(140, 360, 150, 302, 133, 290);
triangle(340, 360, 347, 290, 330, 302);

fill(125, 40, 7);
ellipse(167, 247, headd, headd - 7);
ellipse(280, 265, head, head);

fill(90, 35, 5);
ellipse(211, 250, 2*head, head);
ellipse(150, 280, headd - 10, headd + 20);
ellipse(330, 280, head - 10, head + 20);
ellipse(260, 240, headd, headd);
ellipse(290, 226, head + 30, head + 10);

fill(115, 35, 5);
ellipse(260, 215, headd, headd);

fill(85, 30, 5);
ellipse(281, 238, headd, headd);

fill(115, 35, 5);
ellipse(176, 264, headd, headd);
ellipse(317, 248, head + 20, head);

/* teeth */

stroke(90, 35, 5);
line(eyeLX, 415, eyeRX, 415);

arc(width/2, 415, 80, 35, TWO_PI, PI);

fill(200, 0, 0);
arc(width/2, 415, teeth*2, teeth*4, TWO_PI, PI);

fill(250, 0, 0);
arc(width/2, 415, teeth/5, teeth*4 - 5, TWO_PI, PI);

arc(eyeLX + 10, 415, teeth, teeth, TWO_PI, PI);
arc(eyeLX + 30, 415, 20, 20, TWO_PI, PI);
arc(eyeRX - 30, 415, teeth, 20, TWO_PI, PI);
arc(eyeRX - 10, 415, 20, teeth, TWO_PI, PI);

/* stache */
stroke(90, 35, 5);
point(eyeLX, 410);
point(width/2, 400);
point(eyeRX, 410);

curveVertex(eyeLX, 410);
curveVertex(eyeLX, 410);
curveVertex(width/2, 400);
curveVertex(eyeRX, 410);
curveVertex(eyeRX, 410);

curveVertex(eyeLX, 410);
curveVertex(eyeLX, 410);
curveVertex(eyeLX - sideStache, 440);
curveVertex(eyeLX - 5, 475);
curveVertex(eyeLX - 5, 475);

curveVertex(eyeRX, 410);
curveVertex(eyeRX, 410);
curveVertex(eyeRX + sideStache, 440);
curveVertex(eyeRX + 5, 475);
curveVertex(eyeRX + 5, 475);

/* nose */

stroke(90, 35, 5);
arc(width/2, 365, eyeSize*2, eye, TWO_PI, PI);

ellipse(width/2 + 7, 375, eyeSize/4, eyeSize/4);
ellipse(width/2 - 7, 376, eyeSize/4, eyeSize/4);

/* shirt */
fill(r, g, b, 127);
triangle(0, 575, 156, 525, width/2 + 40, 600);
triangle(480, 575, 324, 525, width/2 - 40, 600);
triangle(width/2, 575, width/2 + 40, 600, width/2 - 40, 600);

fill(r, g, b, 115);
triangle(0, 575, 0, 600, width/2 + 40, 600);
triangle(480, 575, 480, 600, width/2 - 40, 600);


function mousePressed() {

  eyeSize = random(10, 30);
  head = random(45, 65);
  headd = random(45, 65);
  teeth = random(15, 25);
  sideStache = random(5, 12);
  r = random(255);
  g = random(255);
  b = random(255);

The first thing I thought of when it came to interchangeable facial features is the life simulation game, The Sims. I know a guy in which many people and I agree on looks like the default Sims character. Implementing variables was a bit of a challenge in which I couldn’t only rely on numbers for the placement of my shapes. There are subtle changes in facial features, but as a whole, the face looks very different from the last to the next.

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