Lingfan Jiang – Looking Outward – 02

(Installation Named “Visual Sound of the Amazon” done by Andy Thomas)

This installation is done by an Australian artist named Andy Thomas. It is a responsive artwork that visualized an audio collected from the Amazon rainforest.

The most fascinating part of this project is the idea of visualizing sound. Although it is super cool to look at the animation sequence, in the end, this project just had a cool look. However, the idea behind it could be used in so many ways in the future.

For example, this project could relate to helping the deaf people picture all kinds of sound, and let them be able to understand sound in a different way. Also, on the contrast, can picture or animation be transformed back into sound? If sound could be transformed into animation, could smell also do that? There are so many opportunities. Thus, I believe this project is just the beginning of the path!

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