susiel-Looking Outwards-02

Formation from Kyuha Shim on Vimeo.

Formation is a project done by one of the CMU School of Design’s professor, Kyuha Shim. I came across this project during his studio last semester and was one of the reasons that helped me decide to take 104. Formation is a 2016 project commissioned by Alliance Graphique Internationale (AGI) for the Special Project Exhibition during AGI conference in Seoul.  It seems like there is a canvas with a grided background. Within this frame, there is a class for circles which contains the circle objects. These objects are what specify the random color, size and position for the circles. Perhaps there is an array system that informs how many circles are on the canvas. There could be a statement that indicates a change when a certain amount of time passes, with one change, it impacts the movement of the other circles. I appreciate this project not only for its visuals, but also because it is a generative system with a larger responsive system. It visually hows multitudinous transitions and scaling of visual/graphic elements.

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