Anthony Ra – Looking Outwards – 03

Wood-Skin Video 

Demonstrating flexibility of wood-skin

Wood-Skin is a fabrication firm that attempts to use ideas of digital fabrication and typical building materials to build new composite materials and technology. It is described as the most flexible 3D surfaces for architecture and design.

Wood-skin can be altered into whatever function and decor is wanted

The process begins with a digital model through a CAD file. What also makes this project unique is the variety of materials that can be utilized such as wood, metal, acrylic, etc. In reality, wood-skin is fabricated with the combination of pliable nylon and polymer mesh.

table made with modules of wood-skin

The composite materials are generated from a digital file to a CNC mill where a series of modules of the same algorithm can be realized by fabricating them. They can also be altered based on thickness, pliability, and even overall shape.

wood-skin can be altered into different triangular patterns

The benefit of this computative fabrication is the elimination of a complex understructure that may be needed for complex forms. One can alter the pattern in however manner they like and can pave the way as using composite materials an option for building material.


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