Xindi Lyu-Looking Outwards-03

The front elevation of the Maohaus

The MaoHaus is an experimental facade built in Hutongs of Beijing, China. It explores digital fabrication with masonry based on their performative qualities and the historical context of the area. It was built based on an existing structure and the facade ventured into the to the more like a floating fabric. Besides from the form, the installation also filters light and most important of all, at night time it reveals a series of chairman Mao’s portrait, heavily suggesting the historical background of the site, for being located adjacent to The People’s Art House Print shop, which was the workshop for Chairmanmao’s iconic image.

I find this project highly inspirational because not only does it has a very interesting form generated by digital modeling but also the fusion of historical background and the design aesthetic was so well done due to the aid of computation, the right material was used also in the best way possible. This truly showed me the potential of computational fabrication playing parts in any physical design and how future design aesthetic would develop with this merged into the design process.


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