Eliza Pratt – Project 04


Eliza Pratt
Section E

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 300);

function draw() {
    var y = 0;
    var x = 0;
    var y1 = height/2;
    var x1 = width/2
    var y2 = height/4;
    var x2 = width/4;

    //dark gray curves
    for (var z = 0; z < 35; z++) {
        stroke(180 - x2/2);
        //bottom left curve
        line(width - x2, height, 0, height - y2);
        //top right curve
        line(x2, 0, width, y2);

        x2 += 6;
        y2 += 6;

    //gray center curves
    for (var i = 0; i < 44; i++) {
        //bottom center curve
        line(width - x, height - y, x, height);
        //top center curve
        line(x, y, width - x, 0);

        x += 7;
        y += 7;

    //white curves
    for (var w = 0; w < 20; w++) {

        //bottom right curve
        line(x1, height, width, height - y1);
        //top left curve
        line(width - x1, 0, 0, y1);

        x1 = x1*1.04;
        y1 = y1*1.04;



Although confusing at first, I had a lot of fun with this assignment! While it’s frustrating when the lines don’t map out the way you want them to, it was always a surprise when I refreshed my browser. I also played around with adjusting the stroke color in my for loops, which led to some pretty cool gradients!

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