Victoria Reiter – Looking Outwards – 04

Vapor-Space creates an interactive Soundscape that reacts to data collected from the human body

People place their fingers on sensors to collect biological data from their skin


Vapor-Space is an interactive soundspace installation, whose name reflects how the data which feeds the soundscape is collected. Soundscape collects data on the humidity of the room, the temperature of the participant’s skin which touches the sensor, and calculates a vaporization rate which is translated into sound.

The creators at Vapor-Space highlight that the micro-workings of the body are themselves “an orchestra,” so in a way their soundscape seeks to amplify this symphony to a degree audible to the human ear.

What interests me about this project is how it brings together two seemingly opposing elements– electronics and water (hahaha if you ever drop your phone in the toilet or drop a hairdryer in the bathtub while you’re in it you’d understand)– and makes them collaborate together to create the sound.


Video demonstrates the use of Vapor-Space


Full information available here.

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