Kevin Thies Looking Outwards 05

Da Vinci in color space
Da Vinci in hsb
Monet in color space
Monet in hsb

Walking in Color Space is a series of data visualizations by Leonardo Solaas produced in 2010. The data represented takes pixel rows and draws a line between the two points in HSB color space. More contrast means the resulting line will be longer, and more visible. It also highlights the colors the artists used. Images were generated using Processing, but unfortunately the blog describing the process has been taken down.
The models themselves become dynamic furry masses, and I appreciate that the artist took a new look at old pieces as well as newer ones. It’s the kind of data where you could take a guess and just figure it out by eye, but because the level of detail is so fine, it just makes it more interesting. By virtue of its digital nature, it could be possible to either move interaction with the pieces to a fully digital landscape, like being able to hold them in your hands in virtual reality, or they could theoretically be translated to the physical realm via 3 printing, although that would be one delicate print.

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