John Legelis – Looking Outwards 08 Eyeo

Professor Meejin Yoon is the head of the architecture department at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and she is the first woman to hold this post. She was born in Seoul, Korea and lived and studied in the United States. She has degrees from Cornell and Harvard in urban architecture.

Yoon’s work has often revolved around lighting and the impacts of light pollution  on the environment. I am personally supportive of these types of projects because I believe that as society has become more nocturnal, we need to be conscious of our impacts on the environment in non-obvious ways such as light pollution. Her particular work on projects in boston (my hometown) are very inspiring due to their benefits seen to the public space.

Design Competition Winner for Boston Bridge by Meejin Yoon

In her presentation Yoon rarely if ever had slides with text on them. Instead when she was using her slideshow to accompany her talk, she showed visuals that went along with what she was talking about. This caused the listener to not only pay attention to what Yoon was saying, but also created attention grabbing slides that kept the listener engaged. This method of presenting caused Yoon to be a key part of the presentation instead of simply a reader for the slides.

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