Nina Yoo-Looking Outwards-08

Kate Hollenbach Website – Picture below is sample from her website – User is Presen

INSTINT 2014 – Kate Hollenbach from Eyeo Festival on Vimeo.




Based in California, Kate Hollenbach joined Oblong in 2009 and still works for them. Kate is a designer alongside a programmer who designs for human interactions and physical space. When talking about human interactions and designing for environments, I really admire their workspace, especially the whiteboard, that they develop such programs and how immersive it is to a human. I am inspired to do products design because of human interaction, but the scale on how Kate Hollenbach takes it is much larger. For example, their project tamper where they were able to track human hand movements to manipulate projections was a showcase of how immersive a human movement can be in a setting such as that. The way they embedded the human to be an essential part of the interaction and having the interaction almost as if it was part of them was amazing to see. Kate did an effective job by presenting demonstrations of both professionals and the public as she was talking. It made me want to be a part of either the process or even the final product, but it has taught me that what excites a person the most is showing a glimpse of the final product and then its process.

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