Yingying Yan – Final Project

In architecture, we often have to use brushes in Photoshop. A good brush often makes a drawing very successful. Thus for this project, I decided to render a brush with cubes rotating at different angles with a change in gradient depending on the number of cubes that are drawn. Since WebGL does not support text, I could not explain the direction on the canvas. But ways the users can interact with the brush are: “h” = erase the canvas, “j” = turn off the randomness in size, after pressing j, the user can press “l” to make the cubes bigger, or “k” to make the cubes smaller. The user can also press a to increase the speed of rotation.


Yingying Yan
Final Project_ Cube Brush
Section E

var cube = []; // the array that stores all the cubes;
var count = 1; // keeps track of the number of cubes
var rr; //color 1
var bb; //color 2

//parameters that are controlled by the keys
var angle = 0; // the rotation of the cubes
var cSize; // the size of the cubes
var bigger = 10; // using key to make the size bigger
var turn = 0.01;
var randomm = true;// use key to turn off randomness of the size

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400,400, WEBGL);
    rr = color(204, 102, 0);
    bb = color(0, 102, 153);

function draw() {
    //the orgin for WEBGL is center, move it back to the p5js orgin
    translate(-width / 2, -height / 2);
    //space between the cubes
    var f = frameCount % 2 == 0
    //the size of each cube
    if (randomm) {
        cSize = random(5, 20);
    } else {
        cSize = bigger;
    for (var i = 0; i < cube.length; i++) {

    //users drawing the cubes
    if (mouseIsPressed) {
        if (f) {
        var ccube = makeCube( cSize, cSize, cSize, mouseX, mouseY, turn);
        count += 1;

//how the users can interact with the brush by pressing different keys

function keyPressed() {
    //erasing everything
    if (key == "h") {
        cube = [];
        count = 0;
        randomm == true;
        turn = 0.01;

    //turn off randomness in sizes
    if (key == "j") {
        randomm = !randomm;

    //make the cubes bigger after turning off the randomness
    if (key == "l") {
        bigger += 10;

    //make the cubes smaller after turning off the randomness
    if (key == "k") {
        bigger -= 5;
    //make the cubes spin faster
    if (key == "a") {
        turn += 0.1

function makeCube (x, y, d, px, py, turn) {
    //use a color gradient depending on the number of cubes that are drawn
    var r = lerpColor(rr, bb ,sin(count / 30));
    //make the color more transparent
    var color_trans = (color(red(r), green(r), blue(r),120));

    return{ x: x,
            y: y,
            d: d,
            px: px,
            ang: random(0,90),
            c: color_trans,
            draw: drawCube

function drawCube() {
    //rotate around the corner
    fill (this.c);
    //drawing the cube with rotation
    translate(this.px, this.py)
    rotateY(this.ang * 0.2);
    rotateZ(this.ang* 1.5);
    box(this.x, this.y, this.d);
    this.ang += this.tturn;


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