Project 03 – Dynamic Drawing

 * Eric Zhao
 * Dynamic Drawing: This program creates an array of squares
 * and circles on the canvas. The circles light up and grow
 * in size the closer the mouse is to them, while the squares
 * rotate based on the mouse's position relative to the center
 * of the canvas. Number of circles and squares per row can be
 * changed and the program is scalable with canvas sizes.

var circleDia = 0;
var mouseDist = 0;
var cursorX = 0; 
var cursorY = 0; 
var distanceMult = 0; //circle diameter multiplier
var circleCount = 15; //circle and square count
var tanRotation = 0; //square rotation state
function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 400);
    text("p5.js vers 0.9.0 test.", 10, 15);
    colorMode(HSB, 360, 100, 100, 100)

function draw() {
    circleDia = width/circleCount;
    cursorX = constrain(mouseX, 0, width);
    cursorY = constrain(mouseY, 0, height);
    //constrains mouseX and mouseY to canvas size
    //the following are two for loops that draw a grid of circles with
    //[circleCount] number of circles in each row and column
    for(let y = circleDia/2; y <= 1 + height-circleDia/2; y+= circleDia){
        for(let x = circleDia/2; x <= 1 + width-circleDia/2; x+= circleDia){
            mouseDist = constrain(dist(x, y, cursorX, cursorY), 1, width);
            distanceMult = mouseDist/circleCount;
            //used later to modify circle size based on mouse position
            tanRotation = atan2(cursorY - height/2, cursorX - width/2);
            //stores rotation of mouse before pushing rectangle
            translate(x, y);
            rect(0, 0, 50, 50);
            //draws rotated rectangles in same positions as the circle grid
            if(dist(x, y, width/2, height/2) < height/2){
            //constrains array of circles within a larger circular area
                fill(180+degrees(atan2(cursorY - height/2, cursorX - width/2)),
                65, 512/distanceMult); 
                /*adjusts HSB values based on proximity of mouse to circle and 
                coordinates of mouse relative to center of canvas*/
                circle(x, y, circleDia-distanceMult);

This project started with the idea of having an array of circles that grew and shrank based on how close they were to the mouse. After I made that basic program work, I started experimenting with having the mouse position change the colors of the array and using other shapes as a filter on top of the circles.

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