LO-04 (sound art)

The Weather Thingy created by Adrien Kaeser is an instrument modifier that is controlled through variables generated by the weather. It is a simple idea that can be manipulated in a highly flexible way. I find this to be extremely compelling due to the fact that it can actually be seen as a way to translate a feeling or ambiance into musical composition. The ability to transform external feelings into parameters that affect the outcome of one’s creative works, which offers a kind of push and pull dichotomy between creator and the created. Kaeser uses a series of arduino modules and weather sensors and codes the whole project with arduino, C++, and MIDI. Although the code isn’t demonstrated, I assume each weather input (wind, direction, rain, sun) controls/limits the sound that the original instrument can create to result in the total output. What’s pretty clever is that he also added a range modifier which allows for this project to be utilized in calm (amplify) or violent (limit) situations.


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