LO 6 – Randomness in Art

Artist: Dane Clark
Project: Coding Architecture 2: Randomness Project

I admire the project because while it was created with randomness, the values were stored to create a repeatable art piece. The artist described his piece as appearing random, but it was in fact a pre-conceived final product. It is interesting to show many of the random possibilities then the selection of the actual element. This was done through different shading and opacities. The artist described the randomness as the appearance of many different possibilities and through deletion and rearrangement the creation of the final product. The algorithms showed the many possibilities of randomness, but the algorithms all led to the planned out piece. The artistic sensibilities are shown through the dynamic movement and flow of the piece. Additionally, the scaling and connection between the opacity of pieces add to the art. The most interesting aspect is the “revealing” of the possible randomness. For each additional branch several possibilities are shown, but only some are added before the next branch is created. The project shows that while some things may appear random, they are in fact not at all.


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