Abstract Clock

// Sarah Luongo
// Section A

// This code aims to tell time via a buttefly, with the body filling to blue every second, purple dots being added every minute, and the background changing every hour.

var r = 12;
var g = 16;
var b = 30;

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 400);

function draw() {
    // Background changes different shades of blue every hour
    H = hour();
    // Black - medium blue from 12 AM - 7 AM
    if (H<8){
        background(r*H, g*H, b*H);
    // Medium blue - light blue from 8 AM - 4 PM
    } else if (H >= 8 & H <= 16) {
	background(r*H, g*H, 245*H);
    // Light blue - dark blue from 5 PM - 11 PM
    } else {
        background(192 - (r+13)*(H-16), 255 - (g+20)*(H-16), 255 - b*(H-16));

    translate(width/2, height/2);
    // Pink wings for the butterfly
    fill(255, 50, 123);

    // Body of the butterfly
    fill(0); // Black
    ellipse(0, 0, 6, 100);

    // Body filling to a blue color every second
    fill(120, 150, 160);
    var S = map(second(), 0, 59, 0, 100);
        ellipse(0, 0, 6, S);

    // Purple dots added every minute
    fill(75, 0, 110);
    for (var j = 0; j < minute(); j++) {
	// Bottom right wing
	if(j <= 15) {
	    circle(j*12+13, 0, 10);
	// Top left wing 
	} else if(j <= 30) {
	// Bottom left wing
	} else if (j <= 45) {
	// Top right wing
	} else {

function butterflyW() {
    var da = PI/100;
    for (var i = 0; i <= 2*PI; i += da) {
	var w = sin(2*i) * width/2;
	var x = w * cos(i);
	var y = w * sin(i);
	vertex(x, y);

I wanted to do a butterfly to tell time for this project because I was inspired by one of the many faces on my apple watch. Also, I used to love catching butterflies when I was younger (and letting them go of course). I think there are a lot of beautiful butterflies out there. I would’ve like to do a more exquisite butterfly, but I felt it was better to try and have the assignment requirements down before designing anything too crazy. I was happy to at least show a little design to the butterfly with the addition of purple dots every minute.

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