Project 06 – Abstract Clock

I took inspiration from cuckoo clocks to make an abstract clock based on a face. The clock gets increasingly fatigued as its tongue inches out with every minute– its cheeks flush and the background also becomes redder with every hour. Saliva drip documents seconds.

Concept sketch
Illustrator sketch

function setup() {
  createCanvas(480, 480);
  // time
    var minShift= 2 * minute();

function draw(){
  var top = color(200, 219, 162); // pale green
  var bottom = color(124 +3*hour(), 124-hour(), 232- 3*hour()); // purple, turns redder with hours
  setGradient(top, bottom); // background gradient
    //offwhite wall
    fill(240, 244, 237); //offwhite
    rect(368, 0, 124, height);

function setGradient(color1, color2) { //background gradient
    for(var a = 0; a <= height; a++) {
      var amount = map(a, 0, height, 0, 1);
      var back = lerpColor(color1, color2, amount);
      line(0, a, width, a);

function clock(){
  //base face
  fill(67, 40, 144);
  rect(0, 58, 265, 330, 0, 110, 0, 0);
  //face side panel
  fill(234, 249, 48); //neon yellow
  rect(-161, 58, 265, 330, 0, 110, 0, 0);
  fill(208, 216, 91); //darker yellow
  rect(120, 388, 5, 92);
  rect(145, 388, 5, 92);
  //mouth opening
  rect (181, 300, 75, 50, 24, 0, 0, 0);
  fill(240, 244, 237);
  rect (228, 300, 13, 10);
  rect (243, 300, 13, 10);
  fill(170, 192, 255); //lavender
  rect(177, 163, 24, 120);
  triangle(201, 164, 201, 284, 256, 284);
  fill (234, 249, 48); //neon yellow
  triangle(177, 164, 177, 284, 232, 284);
  stroke(234, 249, 48);
  line (83, 163, 248, 163);
  line (177, 141, 177, 379);

function eyes(){
  fill(240, 244, 237);
  stroke(255, 73, 165);
  strokeCap (SQUARE);
  arc(134, 228, 80, 80, PI, TWO_PI, OPEN);
  arc(230, 215, 61, 61, PI, TWO_PI, OPEN);
  fill(255, 73, 165); //pink
  ellipse(153, 213, 22);
  ellipse( 240, 203, 19);

function blush(){
  fill(255, 73, 165 - 2*hour()); //pink becomes more red with hours
  ellipse(247, 247, 48+ hour());// blush increases with hours
  ellipse(111, 277, 74 + hour());

function tongue(){
  fill(255, 73, 165); //pink
  var minShift= 2*minute();
  rect (181, 334, 154 + minShift, 16, 0, 15, 0, 0); //tongue length increases with minutes
  // saliva drips by seconds and follows tongue
  fill(170, 192, 255); //lavender
  ellipse(307+ minShift, 376+ second(), 18); 
  triangle(300 + minShift, 370+ second(), 314+ minShift, 370+ second(), 307 + minShift, 360+ second());
  fill(170, 206, 255); //lighter lavender
  ellipse(287+ minShift, 364+ 2*second(), 26); 
  triangle(277 + minShift, 356+ 2*second(), 297+ minShift, 356+ 2*second(), 287 + minShift, 340+ 2*second());

function bird(){
  var minShift = 2* minute();
  fill(208, 216, 91); //darker yellow
  rect(296 + minShift, 331, 15, 4, 0, 3, 0, 0);
  stroke(208, 216, 91); //darker yellow
  line(297 + minShift, 306, 297 + minShift, 334);
  line(301 + minShift, 306, 301 + minShift, 334);
  fill(255, 73, 165); //pink
  ellipse(297 + minShift, 293, 42);
  triangle(280 + minShift, 280, 267+ minShift, 314, 297+ minShift, 314);
  fill(170, 192, 255); //lavender
  arc(298 + minShift, 293, 42, 42, -QUARTER_PI, HALF_PI, OPEN); //belly
  fill(240, 244, 237);
  arc(275 +minShift, 295, 43, 43, -QUARTER_PI, HALF_PI, OPEN);
    fill(208, 216, 91); //darker yellow
    triangle (320 + minShift, 260, 320 + minShift, 271, 339 + minShift, 266);
    fill(255, 73, 165);
    ellipse(313 + minShift, 266, 23);
    fill(234, 249, 48); //neon yellow
    ellipse(316 + minShift, 265, 6);


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