Project 6 – Abstract Clock

I was inspired by the idea of the lunar cycles and the moon’s effect on the oceans for this project.

//abstract clock assignment
//section D

function setup(){
	createCanvas(480, 480);

function h(){								//hour wave
	var x = hour()*20;
	var y = width/2;
	fill(58, 63, 139);
	rect(x-120, y/2, 240, y/2);
	ellipse(x, y/2, 120, y);
	rect(0, y, 480, y);
	fill(30, 30, 75);
	arc(x-120, y/2, 120, y, 0, PI);
	arc(x+120, y/2, 120, y, 0, PI);

function mn(){								//minute wave
	var x = minute()*8;
	var y = 180
	fill(58, 91, 139);
	rect(x-90, height/2, y, y/2);
	ellipse(x, height/2, 90, y);
	rect(0, 330, 480, y);
	fill(58, 63, 139);
	arc(x-90, height/2, y/2, y, 0, PI);
	arc(x+90, height/2, y/2, y, 0, PI);

function s(){								//second wave
	var x = second()*8;
	var y = 120;
	fill(59, 104, 172);
	rect(x-(y/2), 330, y, y/2);
	ellipse(x, 330, y/2, y);
	rect(0, height-90, 480, 90);
	fill(58, 91, 139);
	arc(x-(y/2), 330, y/2, y, 0, PI);
	arc(x+(y/2), 330, y/2, y, 0, PI);

function draw(){
	background(30, 30, 75);
	fill(54, 146, 169);						//remnants of the millisecond wave that
	rect(0, height-45, 480, 45);			//moved way too fast


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