Looking Outwards 09: on Looking Outwards

For this week, I looked at 101’s week 9 LO about computer graphics. He/she introduced me to the project Melting memories by Refik Anadol, which was displayed in Pilevneli Gallery from February 7 through March 17, 2018. In the post, he/she mentioned how it was interesting to see a project that intersects physical and digital reality, art, and neuroscience. I agree with that since, besides from its outstanding graphics, the fact that it showcased materiality of remembering captured my attention. I thought Anadol’s way of displaying advanced technology and the study of human memory was creative. The method of gathering data and implying it to the installation was also unique. For this project, participants were asked to focus on specific long-term memories during the recording process. Then the researchers looked at certain nodes with limited frequency rates and used them to drive noise parameters within the real time simulation. 

Melting Memories

Peer link: https://courses.ideate.cmu.edu/15-104/f2020/2020/10/03/looking-outwards-05-3d-computer-graphics-5/

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