LO – 09

For this LO, I read Bennett’s post about Lindsay Grace. As someone who does not have a background in computer science or STEM at all and enjoys video games and computers, I am always fascinated by those who teach themselves electronics and software development. This greatly contrasts the music world, where you need years of formal training and finding your own voice to be considered an artist. According to his presentation, Grace taught himself how to create games because he could not afford to buy them. I find it incredible that he taught himself in the beginning and has advanced so far in his career as an educator. I am also inspired by the scope of his projects. He has created on his own educational games, kids’ games/apps, new media art, and more. Lindsay aims to create a cross section between video games and a wide range of topics.

Bennett’s post

Eyeo 2018 – Lindsay Grace from Eyeo Festival on Vimeo.

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