LO 09: On Looking Outwards


I read a post by Shaun Murray about Stefanie Posavec and Greg McIrney’s (En)tangled Word Bank. I think his assessment of Posavec’s style in her use of color is accurate and I also feel like she is an artist who values organized complexity. Each section features well-sorted data on each of Darwin’s revisions, and while it doesn’t fall into some sort of obvious pattern it is clearly thought out and built to be visually cohesive. It is easy to see what has been changed due to the color coding of each circle, and while they are different, they all share the same structure to convey clarity and allow viewers to really understand and make good use of her work. I think McIrney’s contributions and style also share that same creative space of controlled, thought out design and balance of color to create interest and dynamism but also present material in an easy to understand manner.

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