Looking Outwards 11

Looking Outwards 11: A Focus on Women Practitioners

This week, I took a look at Nathalie Miebach’s Sculptural Musical Scores, “Weather Score Project.” She translated weather data into musical scores, and then translate those into sculptures. It is a mapped meteorological conditions of a specific time and place, and functional musicals scored played by musicians as well. Nathalie studied political science, art education, visual arts, astronomy, physics, and sculpture. She is now an innovator in residence at Rutgers University. She has been working a lot with data and translating them into artistic forms. This Weather Score project was particularly interesting to me because of its interesting translation between different medium. It is very interesting how she translated a set of data into a visual art form, and then translated them into a musical art form. I was amazed by how borderless it is between the different kinds of arts and medium. I like how she takes a meaningful data and make them more interesting in their forms.



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