Project 1: Self Portrait

An abstract version of myself.

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 400);
    text("p5.js vers 0.9.0 test.", 10, 15);

function draw() {
	 background(204, 245, 255);
  //left ear
  fill(250, 168, 69);
  triangle(117, 167, 103, 208, 122, 226);
  //main circle
  fill(252, 219, 190);
  ellipse(198, 171, 177, 177);
  //green triangle
  fill(148, 206, 146);
  triangle(285, 199, 266, 277, 201, 314);
  //pink triangle
  fill(232, 172, 206);
  triangle(117, 202, 136, 280, 201, 317);
  //right eye
  fill(108, 145, 191);
  ellipse(240, 183, 21, 21);
  ellipse(240, 183, 11, 11);
  //left eye
  ellipse(164, 183, 21, 21);
  ellipse(164, 183, 11, 11);
  //middle face
  fill(228, 190, 152);
  triangle(136, 231, 268, 239, 201, 314);
  fill(229, 204, 181);
  triangle(199, 193, 190, 229, 205, 246);
  fill(216, 114, 100);
  triangle(174, 264, 187, 256, 202, 264);
  triangle(201, 264, 215, 256, 229, 264);
  fill(238, 171, 163);
  triangle(174, 264, 202, 283, 229, 264);
  //right ear
  fill(241, 238, 141);
  triangle(287, 170, 297, 211, 279, 230);
  line(228, 167, 250, 167);
  line(150, 167, 172, 167); 
  //right hair
  bezier(190, 85, 200, 80, 170, 160, 280, 165);
  bezier(200, 85, 220, 100, 180, 155, 280, 160);
  bezier(215, 85, 230, 90, 190, 150, 280, 157);
  bezier(220, 85, 240, 85, 200, 145, 285, 153);
  bezier(240, 100, 250, 60, 210, 140, 300, 147);
  bezier(175, 84, 150, 100, 200, 160, 86, 166);
  bezier(172, 80, 140, 90, 190, 155, 86, 160);
  bezier(160, 100, 130, 80, 180, 150, 86, 155);
  bezier(150, 115, 120, 70, 170, 145, 86, 150);

LO 1: My Inspiration

One project that I found inspirational–and actually led me to take this class– is a project done by Elena Deng and Dani Delgado for the 15-104 class they took in the fall of 2018. For this project, they attempted to visualize certain sounds through visual elements. As the user interacts with the artwork by clicking on different parts of the computer screen, certain sounds and shapes appear. Through coding in p5.js, they were able to make an invisible thing–sound–visible. As I interacted with the artwork for the first time, I found myself deeply immersed in it. When I clicked on my computer screen, I felt very peaceful– the colors, shapes, and sounds work perfectly to evoke a sense of tranquility. I am unsure of what prior works inspired the creators of this project; however, after a bit of researching, I found that many artists, such as  Norimichi Hirakawa, have used computational art to represent abstract or invisible subjects similar to the creators of this project. This project also shows an emerging future as more people can use the power of computation to express and access certain aspects of life, nature, or oneself like never before. It also shows that coding is evolving to become a new medium for artists and designers to use.

Authors: Elena Deng & Dani Delgado
Project Name: Final Project
Link to project: