LO 1 – My Inspiration

Prior to taking this class, a project that I found interesting was one from a student named Vivian. As I was first applying to design programs, I searched the internet for other student’s portfolios to help guide the development of my own. I came across Vivian’s work which introduced me to the concept of creative coding. Although no longer on her online portfolio available for me to share, I remember this coded project to be a real-time clock which she had designed to look like a person’s face. I believe she used p5.js, but other than that, I do not know how she made it. Although this project may sound insignificant, I found it very intriguing that she created a piece of art that was live and constantly changing. I had never seen anything like that before, so it made an impression on me. I am excited to learn how I can also create responsive art. Funny enough, I searched up her name to write this and she ended up studying at Carnegie Mellon.