function setup() {
    createCanvas(1400, 1000);
    background(232, 232, 228);

function draw() {

    // BG
    let w = random(175, 1200);
    let l = random(150, 850);
    let r = random(200);
    let blue = [135, 206, 250];
    let yellow = [255, 219, 88];
    let red = [255, 64, 64];
    let cols = [blue, yellow, red]
    circle(w, l, r);

    // eye whites
    x = 825
    rect(200, 250, 150, 200);
    rect(200+x, 250, 150, 200);
    bezier(200, 450, 200, 600, 350, 600, 350, 450);
    bezier(200+x, 450, 200+x, 600, 350+x, 600, 350+x, 450);
    // eyes
    stroke (0);
    strokeWeight (10);
    line(200, 250, 200, 450);
    line(350, 250, 350, 450);
    bezier(200, 250, 200, 100, 350, 100, 350, 250);
    bezier(200, 450, 200, 600, 350, 600, 350, 450);
    line(200+x, 250, 200+x, 450);
    line(350+x, 250, 350+x, 450);
    bezier(200+x, 250, 200+x, 100, 350+x, 100, 350+x, 250);
    bezier(200+x, 450, 200+x, 600, 350+x, 600, 350+x, 450);
    // eye colors
    fill(242, 246, 197);
    bezier(185, 575, 200, 525, 350, 525, 365, 575);
    bezier(185+x, 575, 200+x, 525, 350+x, 525, 365+x, 575);

    // pupil
    ellipse(240, 325, 80, 110);
    ellipse(240, 410, 80, 110);
    ellipse(310+x, 325, 80, 110);
    ellipse(310+x, 410, 80, 110);

    // eyelid colors
    fill(242, 246, 197);
    rect(195, 250, 160, 40);
    rect(195+x, 250, 160, 40);
    bezier(195, 250, 195, 100, 355, 100, 355, 250);
    bezier(195+x, 250, 195+x, 100, 355+x, 100, 355+x, 250);
    // eyelids
    line(195, 290, 355, 290);
    line(195, 250, 195, 290);
    line(355, 250, 355, 290);
    line(195+x, 290, 355+x, 290);
    line(195+x, 250, 195+x, 290);
    line(355+x, 250, 355+x, 290);

    // eyebrows
    rect(125, 130, 300, 80, 40, 40, 40, 40);
    rect(125+x, 130, 300, 80, 40, 40, 40, 40);

    // nose
    fill(242, 246, 197);
    bezier(700, 525, 850, 505, 850, 630, 700, 610);

    // lip colors
    fill(255, 64, 64);
    bezier(275, 700, 150, 700, 150, 850, 275, 850);
    bezier(275+x, 700, 400+x, 700, 400+x, 850, 275+x, 850);
    rect(275, 700, 825, 150);
    // mouth
    line(275, 700, 275+x, 700);
    line(275, 775, 275+x, 775);
    line(275, 850, 275+x, 850);
    bezier(275, 700, 150, 700, 150, 850, 275, 850);
    bezier(275+x, 700, 400+x, 700, 400+x, 850, 275+x, 850);


LO-01 (my inspiration)

Urban Imprints by STUDIO INI was an interactive piece that aimed to fight the preconception of rigid urban ‘walls’ that restrict human expression and individuality. The piece was created through a system of pulleys and flexible custom shaped wooden mesh surface that responded to human movement. When movement was detected towards the surface, it would retract and move away from the person, in effect, acting as a living organism celebrating human interaction instead of restricting it. The use of a custom piece of code is not confirmed, but I assume some sort of program must have been created in order for this level of interaction to take place. This work enables a new way for designers to consider interactive elements as part of a feasible options and could be used in new and innovative ways.

Studio INI at ADO Final Selects Luke Walker 7_1.jpg