LO – 10 Dubler Microphone

I am so excited that we are discussing sound synthesis in this class, since in my free time I produce music (for fun). Recently, I have been fascinated by sound synthesis and how computers can collaborate with a musician to make new sounds possible. In brainstorming what to write about for this LO, I thought of Andrew Huang, a Canadian YouTuber and music producer who is particularly well-known for taking samples of everything and making unexpectedly delightful compositions with these samples. His YouTube channel provides a wealth of entertaining information about production techniques and cool new gear he discovers, so it was hard for me to select a single thing to discuss in this blog. That being said, his most recent video about the Dubler microphone from Vochlea absolutely fascinated me.

This microphone ‘instantly’ turns audio input into MIDI information. The coolest thing about this is that you train the software to recognize the different sounds you sing into it, so you can beatbox into the mic and hear live playback of a full drum set. This is absolutely INSANE because this can transform the way a musician performs and records music. For example, a beatboxer could change the sound of their instrument (their mouth) in live performance by using this mic to control an 80s style drum kit or Skrillex style drum kit with a click of a button. Or you could record a virtual guitar solo with your voice if you don’t like playing a keyboard. I absolutely love how this invention uses technology to change the way people can manipulate sound in a way that has seemed like a fantasy until only recently. I think this relies heavily on the software’s ability to differentiate between different syllables and vowels. With recent development in audio controlled experiences like Alexa and Siri, it makes sense to me that technology is more capable than ever to precisely distinguish and interpret audio information.

Some honorable mentions for this blog post that showcase other musicians using electronics to challenge traditional music practices (some of my favorite videos of all time):

  • Electronic Music for ORCHESTRA – Composer David Bruce interprets electronic composition for an orchestra, challenging the way sound for orchestra is typically conceptualized and performed. BEAUTIFUL!!!

Alien Abduction

This story began as an idea to create a city environment using ambient noise. Then I thought about making some kind of event occur to break that ambience, which ended up being an alien abduction. From there I developed the idea to create some kind of resolution, which became the superhero who flies off after the UFO. My sound effects were the city noise, ufo slowing down, ufo beam, ufo flying, singe scream, crowd scream, single shout, crowd cheer, and an outro theme.

Alien Abduction
var city;      
var scream;
var ufoSlow;
var ufoBeam;
var ufoFly;
var crowdscream;
var yell;
var cheer;

function preload (){
    city = loadSound("https://courses.ideate.cmu.edu/15-104/f2020/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/busycity.wav");       //city noise
    scream = loadSound("https://courses.ideate.cmu.edu/15-104/f2020/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/screams.mp3")       //abductee scream
    crowdscream = loadSound("https://courses.ideate.cmu.edu/15-104/f2020/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/crowdscream.wav");       //crowd screaming
    ufoSlow = loadSound("https://courses.ideate.cmu.edu/15-104/f2020/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/ufoslow.wav");       //ufo slowing down
    ufoFly = loadSound("https://courses.ideate.cmu.edu/15-104/f2020/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/ufowave.wav");       //ufo flying away
    ufoBeam = loadSound("https://courses.ideate.cmu.edu/15-104/f2020/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/ufowave.wav");       //ufo capture beam noise
    yell = loadSound("https://courses.ideate.cmu.edu/15-104/f2020/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/hey.wav");        //superhero yell
    cheer = loadSound("https://courses.ideate.cmu.edu/15-104/f2020/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/cheer.wav");       //crowd cheering noise
    outro = loadSound("https://courses.ideate.cmu.edu/15-104/f2020/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/outro.wav");       //outro music

function soundSetup(){

    city.setVolume(0.3);        //setting the volume for each noise

var x = [];       //x position of given person
var y = [];       //y position of given person
var dx = [];        //speed of given person
var cx = [];        //x position of given car
var cy = [];        //y position of given car
var cdx = [];       //speed of given car
var skin = [];        //skin color of given person       
var shirt= [];        //shirt color
var pants = [];       //pants color
var carW = [];        //width of car
var carH = [];        //height of car
var h = [];           //height of person
var w = [];           //width of person
var ufoY = 0;         //y position of ufo
var ufoX = 0;         //x position of ufo
var aY = 300;         //abductee y position
var sX = 0;           //superhero x position
var sY = 170;          //superhero y position

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 300);
    for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
        x[i] = random(25, width-25);
        y[i] = height-25
        dx[i] = random(-3, 3);
        shirt[i] = color(random(0,255), random(0,255),random(0,255))
        skin[i] = color(random(200,250),random(100,150),random(20,100))
        pants[i] = color(random(0,255), random(0,255),random(0,255))
        h[i] = random(15,20);
        w[i] = random(5,8);
     for (var c = 0; c < 5; c++) {
        cx[c] = random(25, width-25);
        cy[c] = height-15
        carW[c] = random(20,40);
        carH[c] = random(15,20);
        cdx[c] = random(-5, 5);

function draw() {

    city.play();    //play city sound until UFO comes
  background(43,226,232);       //light blue

      fill(169,169,169,150);    //gray
          rect(width/2,height-height/4,100,height/4);       //buildings

    for (var c = 0; c < 5; c++) {
        car(cx[c], cy[c],carW[c],carH[c],cdx[c],shirt[c]);        //call car function
            cx[c] += cdx[c];        //move car horizontally
                if (cx[c] > width-25 || cx[c] < 25){        //turn around if hits edge
                    cdx[c] = -cdx[c];

    for (var i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
        person(x[i], y[i], dx[i], skin[i],shirt[i],pants[i],h[i],w[i]);       //call person function
            x[i] += dx[i];
                    x[i] += 2*dx[i];       //speed up in panic when UFO comes
        if (x[i] > width-25 || x[i] < 25) {       //turn around if hit edge
            dx[i] = -dx[i];
      fill(169,169,169);    //gray
          rect(0,height/2,50,height/2);       //back buildings

         translate(ufoX,ufoY);        //translate ufo shape
                 UFO(width/2,-300);     //call ufo function to draw 

    ufoSlow.play();         //play ufo slow noise      
        city.stop();        //stop city noise
        scream.play();        //start scream   
        ufoBeam.play();       //start beam noise
   if(frameCount>100 & frameCount<115){
       fill(21,249,36,150)        //light green
            triangle(width/2,height/2,width/2-50,height,width/2+50,height)        //ufo beam
                abductee(width/2,aY);       //call function to draw person
         aY-=11;        //move abductee upwards
   ufoY+=4;        //move ufo down

       ufoY-=4;        //stop ufo
       ufoSlow.stop();        //stop ufo sound


       ufoY-=3;       //move ufo up and right
       ufoBeam.stop();       //stop beam noise
       scream.stop();       //stopscream noise
       ufoFly.play();       //play ufo sound
       crowdscream.play();        //play crowd scream noise

       ufoFly.stop();       //stop ufo sound

           rotate(radians(50));       //turn diagonally
               superhero(sX,sY);        //call superhero function to draw

           sX += 15        //move superhero diagonally(adjusted for rotation)
           sY -=20


   if(frameCount>152 & frameCount<154){    //as superhero flies he yells

   if(frameCount>160){        //as superhero flies by, people cheer
       cheer.play();       //play cheering

       outro.play();       //play song
       cheer.stop();       //stop cheering

           fill(255,0,0);       //red
               rect(0,0,400,300);        //red background
       fill(0);        //black
           text("THE END",100,150);

       outro.stop();       //end song    


function person(x,y,dx,skin,shirt,pants,h,w) {
        ellipse(x,y-5,5, 5);        //head
        rect(x,y+10,w,h);       //body
        rect(x,y+25,w,h);       //legs

function abductee(x,y){

    fill(219,150,30);       //beige
        ellipse(x,y-5,5,5);       //head
    fill(0,255,0);        //green
        rect(x,y+10,5,15);        //shirt
    fill(0,0,255);        //blue
        rect(x,y+25,5,15);        //pants

function car(cx,cy,carW,carH,cdx,shirt){
    fill(shirt);        //same as shirt, so just to save a variable
        rect(cx,cy,carW,carH);        //body of car
     if (cdx < 0) {         //if car turns around  
        rect(cx-17,cy+4,10,10);        //front of car on left
    } else {
        rect(cx+17,cy+4,10,10);        //front of car on right

    fill(0);       //black
        ellipse(cx-10,cy+10,10,10);       //wheels

function UFO(x,y){

        fill(152,152,152);  //gray
            ellipse(0,50,40,15);    //ufo body
            quad (-5,52,-15,60,-14,61,-4,53)    //left landing leg
            rect (-2,52,1.5,10)     //middle landing leg
            quad (1,52,11,61,12,60,4,53)    //right landing leg
        fill(175,238,170,200);  //opaque green-blue
            ellipse(0,45,25,15);    //window dome
        fill(255,0,0);      //red
            circle(-12,52,3);   //left light
            circle(12,52,3);    //right light
        fill(255,255,0);    //yellow
            circle(0,54.5,3);   //middle light


function superhero(x,y){
    fill(255,0,0);        //red
        quad(x+5,y+2,x-5,y+2,x-15,y+30,x+15,y+30);        //cape
    fill(219,150,30);       //beige
        ellipse(x,y-5,10,10);       //head
    fill(0,0,255);        //blue
        rect(x,y+10,10,20);       //body
        rect(x,y+25,10,20);       //legs
        quad(x+2,y+5,x+8,y-10,x+10,y-8,x+5,y+6);        //right arm
        quad(x-2,y+2,x-8,y+17,x-10,y+15,x-5,y+4);       //leftarm
    fill(255,0,0);        //red
        rect(x,y+35,10,5);        //boots

Looking Outwards 10 – Aphex Twin


Aphex Twin – “4”

Eamonn Burke

This is one of my favorite electronic songs, because it seems to blur the line between repetition and randomness in rhythm.
The beat is entrancing to me, but the changes in frequency in speed also keep your attention as you listen, as well as the pauses
and extra sound effects.

There seems to be an oscillation in the background that ranges from a very high frequency to a middle range one. One top of this,
there are notes playing at a high but varying speed, which appear to slightly oscillate in amplitude themselves. The last layer is
the beat, which repeats at a high tempo, and at certain parts of the song it speeds up greatly, creating a sort of “stutter” effect.

As I said before, I think that Aphex Twin’s creative sensibilities come in using these tools to create a high energy and spontaneous
track that commands your attention and sounds different every time you hear it, because of the unpredictability of the changes in the
melodies and rhythm.

LO – 10

I came across the work of Robert Henke and found his installation, music, and software development work interesting especially with more knowledge of computer generated sounds from this weeks’ lectures. One track I wanted to highlight is “Gobi: The Long Edit” released this spring, a remastered edit of a previous track. What I find very impressive with this track is how organic it feels and the complexity of the layering of frequencies. It’s clear that Henke used a variety of modulators to adjust the frequency and amplitude of the waveforms. The result is an experience that is comparable to the sounds of creatures, vibrations, and ambience of a rainforest. To create something that feels organic and “real” with synthetic, digital means must be a difficult process. It makes me wonder how authentic soundtracks are in movies and TV. To what extent are they manipulated to resemble real-life? Even though I find this track comparable to nature, there is no doubt Henke incorporates his personal artistic vision into this sound art. This is especially apparent in his other tracks like the ones in his album “Archaeopteryx.” These pieces feel more distinctly “electronic” with clear examples of techniques like reverb, delay, and different-shaped waves.