LO-My Inspiration

“Cellular Complexity” is a project designed by Julia Koerner in collaboration with Marie Boltenstern and Kais AL-Rawi. In summary, this project looks to cellular systems as inspiration to generate performative and complex geometries that respond to spatial and structural constraints. I find this project inspiring because it harnesses the power of computational tools in order to create a structural solution in architecture that also has an aesthetic agenda. This type of project could lead to customizable, and therefore more effective, structural solutions in the building industry. As this project is listed as a dissertation, I would assume the timeline of the project to be two semesters. This project probably did not require the development of custom software, as it was likely created with Rhinoceros 3D in conjunction with the plug-in Grasshopper. However, the creators most likely generated custom scripts within Grasshopper using Javascript. These scripts allowed for the creators to parametrically control various characteristics, such as porosity, and number and size of the cellular aggregates.

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