LO-1: Inspiration

Nicholas Wong
Section A

Daniel Rozin creates these beautiful “mechanical mirrors”, which are interactive sculptures that mimic the presence of the viewer. His sculptures consist of rectangular panels of various materials attached to motors and a camera, which are all connected to a computer. Software on the computer then determines the angle at which each panel should tilt to replicate the image received from the camera, effectively turning each panel into a physical pixel. The sculpture reflects the movements of the viewer through the rotating panels, making the viewers the content of the artwork. Many of his works use wooden panels of various wood species, however he uses a variety of materials for different effects. Rozin started making his mirrors in 1997, and gained recognition through his “Rust Mirror” series starting in 1999. He developed the software that changed each panel in response to the live image received from the camera on his own.

Having seen one of these mechanical mirrors myself, at the time I was really interested in the code used to make the mirrors move, as I thought I could probably replicate something like that for an art project in high school.


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