LO- David Bowie

Callum McDougall, David Bowie (Aladdin Sane)

The artist of this David Bowie inspired piece is Callum McDougall. The software he decided to use was Jupyter Notebooks because of its flexibility and
his experience running the original algorithm on the software. McDougall used and improved the algorithm to render the image and also to create the lines seen in his art.
He mentions that he ran the algorithm for each color separately, with images he designed with GIMP. This project and the algorithm McDougall utilizes supports an art
theme where lines are used to create specific images and effects that sort of jump off a screen the same way that we transform 2d shapes into 3 dimensional objects. For art
it adds to the skill and methods of manipulation of geometric shapes for the eyes to see what the artists want them to see. He credits pieces from Petros Vrellis who also uses
lines to create images.

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