Project – Self Portrait

This is what I look like. (Not exactly, I messed up lol)

function setup() {
    createCanvas(500, 500);
    background(236, 170, 86);
    //orange/yellow background color    

function draw() {
	//ocean part
    fill(80, 114, 174);
    stroke(80, 114, 174);
    rect(0, 200, 500, 300);
    //here comes the sun
    fill(236, 144, 68);
    stroke(236, 144, 68);
    arc(400, 197, 150, 150, PI, 0,CHORD);
    //lines for waves
    stroke(118, 151, 197);
    line(30, 230, 140, 230);
    line(280, 210, 140, 210);
    line(300, 225, 450, 225);
    line(60, 315, 240, 315);
    line(175, 280, 390, 280);
    line(250, 350, 450, 350);
    line(0, 400, 220, 400);
    line(340, 410, 500, 410);
    line(100, 440, 400, 440);

    // sand foreground
    fill(215, 188, 143);
    rect(0, 400, 500, 100);
    fill(60, 37, 27);
    stroke(60, 37, 27);
    circle(250, 280, 230);
    //strands of hair now
    rect(135, 280, 230, 220);

   //now starting face
    fill(210, 150, 114);
    stroke(210, 150, 114);
    ellipse(250, 300, 170, 200);
    rect(220, 380, 60, 60);
    circle(180, 470, 60);
    circle(320, 470, 60);
    rect(180, 440.2, 145, 180);
    rect(150, 470, 200, 180);
    fill(95, 75, 114);
    stroke(95, 75, 114);
    rect(185, 480, 135, 20);
    rect(196, 440.2, 10, 50);
    rect(300, 440.2, 10, 50);

    arc(213, 292, 40, 20, PI, 0);
    arc(213, 292, 40, 15, 0, PI);
    arc(285, 292, 40, 20, PI, 0);
    arc(285, 292, 40, 15, 0, PI);

    fill(35, 21, 18);
    circle(213, 292, 15);
    circle(285, 292, 15);

    arc(250, 320, 25, 15, 0, PI);

    stroke(208, 98, 122);
    fill(208, 98, 122);
    arc(250, 355, 70, 23, 0, PI);


    arc(210, 270, 45, 5, PI, 0);
    arc(288, 270, 48, 5, PI, 0);


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