LO1 – Some Technological Art that Inspired Me

My Inspiration: “Ghost Pole Propagator II”

Ghost Pole Propagator II, created by Golan Levin, 2016 (http://www.flong.com/projects/gpp-ii/)

This project is a digital interactive installation in Houston, for the Day for Night Festival. It projects stick figure visuals onto a large screen that followed human movement. It was mainly created by one person, but the project credited resources and assistance to 6-8 people.

An image processing technique called “skeletonization” was used to generate the stick figures from the human figure. This algorithm is similar to the one used in OCR (optical character recognition), except adjusted for human silhouettes. The art was developed in openFrameworks, which is a free C++ programming toolkit. Laser control and laser path related add-ons were also used. This art was inspired by Ghost Pole Propogator I that was created in 2007, which projected extremely abstract stick figures of observers.

Potential opportunities and futures of this artwork could be projecting more figures of different forms. This could include animals, birds, moving objects, and more.

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