I truly admire “Flow Field #1 – Reinterpreting the Starry Night” (2018) by the software and net artist, LIA. The first thing that I had noticed about this work was that the movement of the flow fields were so hypnotizing. Despite being two-dimensional lines flowing, it showed a lot of smooth feather-like texture and movement. I admired this because I was impressed at how it showed a lot of three-dimensional depth despite its two-dimensinal form. Though I do not know exactly what algorithm was used to create this work, it is said that LIA took the original color palette of Starry Night, and translated the work into her own interpretation with a custom-made computer code using the flow fields technique. This technique reveals the lines and loops of the artwork into these flow fields to present depth and motion throughout the canvas. Based on LIA’s other works as well, it is obvious that this artist enjoys working with lines and shapes, and distorting them in an ethereal manner, where the projects look like a hallucinated and imagined state of mind.
Title: “Flow Field #1 – Reinterpreting the Starry Night by Vincent Van Gogh”
Artist: LIA
Year of Creation: 2018