Looking Outwards 02: Generative Art

UCracking, Marius Watz

This piece was published as part of Absolut Art Exchange, 2014.

The piece uses 2D geometric figures to create 3D textures and forms. I admire the use of bright colors and the different geometric shapes in the art. It looks very clean and detailed, but there is also a level of creativity in the piece.
This piece also makes me question how artists can express their creativity in art that is made out of code and algorithms.

Watz named these pieces “UCracking” based on “cracking” algorithms that are based on subdivision algorithms.

Fundamentally, logic and creativity are completely different – logic follows a set of rules and bounds, while creativity encourages freedom of thought, and lacks any boundaries. How do creativity and computer logic interact? How do you express creativity through something that fundamentally has rules and bounds?

The visuals are based on subdivision algorithms, also known as cracking. Subdivision algorithms split triangles into a new set of smaller triangles through some coded operation. The triangles are colored accordingly, and those triangles are further split, until the result is an art piece.

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