LO 2 – Generative Art

the V01D” (2018) by Joshua Davis is a generative work that utilizes audio reactive algorithms to create fascinating, complex imagery. This piece was a large-scale installation created for the OFFF Festival in Barcelona. Davis has created numerous computational art/design projects, many of which use programming to visualize sound.

I really admire Davis’s work because of the unique, ever-changing visuals that he is able to achieve and am interested to learn more about the execution of his work. From what I can tell, I think that Davis used real-time algorithms that respond to audio in order to generate transformative animations. In this specific work, he used Kurt Uenela / Null + Void’s music to determine the motion of the piece.

Some of Davis’s other works that I am particularly drawn to include “Golden Times,” “Take 10 Weightless,” and “Noise Paintings.” Across all of his works, his strong color sensibility is quite evident. I think that his understanding of color and visual composition are what make his work so successful.

“the V01D” (2018)
“the V01D” (2018)

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