Project 02 – Variable Portrait

This is a random portrait generator that creates random robot faces! The hardest part of this was writing a loop that could let each mouse click cause the program to cycle through several faces at a time.

* Eric Zhao
* Section D
* Random Face Generator. Randomizes face shape, eye color and size, nose shape,
* and presence of antenna. Operates on click and rolls through several faces 
* per click.

let w = 0; //face width
let h = 0; //face height
let topRadius = 0; //face curvature
let botRadius = 0; //face curvature
let eyeRadius = 0; //eye size
let index = 15; //loop index
let noseCircle = 0; //controls shape of nose
let faceColor = 0; //grayscale face color value
let eyeR = 0; //eye Red value
let eyeG = 0; //eye Green value
let eyeB = 0; //eye Blue value

function setup() {
    createCanvas(600, 600);
    text("p5.js vers 0.9.0 test.", 10, 15);

function draw() { 
    /* This draw command runs when the mouse is clicked, generating 15 portraits and stopping
    on the last one. Given that each face needs random values, this function sets the variables 
    instead of the mousePressed function. */
    //setting variables randomly
    w = random(width/4, width/2); //next 4 lines generate random rectangle dimensions
    h = random(w/2, w*1.5);
    topRadius = random(0, width/8); 
    botRadius = random(width/20, width/3);
    eyeRadius = random(w/8, h/4);
    noseCircle = int(random(int(0), int(2)));
    faceColor = random (100, 200);
    eyeR = random(30, 256);
    eyeG = random(30, 256);
    eyeB = random(30, 256);
    //setting fills and strokes
    background(185, 240, 185);
    rect(width/2, height/2, w, h, topRadius, topRadius, botRadius, botRadius); //draws rectangle
    fill(eyeR, eyeG, eyeB)
    ellipse((width/2) - (w/5), (height/2) - (h/5), eyeRadius, eyeRadius); //left eye
    ellipse((width/2) + (w/5), (height/2) - (h/5), eyeRadius, eyeRadius); //right eye
    if((eyeR + eyeG + eyeB) / 3 > 128) { //if the eye color is above a certain brightness, darken stroke
    arc((width/2) - (w/5), (height/2) - (h/5), eyeRadius * 0.8, eyeRadius * 0.8,
        PI + QUARTER_PI, QUARTER_PI); //left reflection
    arc((width/2) + (w/5), (height/2) - (h/5), eyeRadius * 0.8, eyeRadius * 0.8,
        PI + QUARTER_PI, QUARTER_PI); //right reflection
    if (noseCircle === 1) { //this loop controls for nose shape and antenna
        //draws a round nose and face profile 
        arc((width/2), (height/2) + (eyeRadius * 0.8) / 2, eyeRadius * 0.8, eyeRadius * 0.8, 
        HALF_PI, PI + HALF_PI);
        line (width/2, (height/2) - (h/2), width/2, height/2);
        line (width/2, (height/2) + (eyeRadius * 0.8), width/2, (height/2 + h/2));
        line (width/2, (height/2) - (h/2), (width/2) + (w/4), (height/2) - (h/1.5)); //draws antenna stem
        fill (255, 66, 66);
        ellipse((width/2) + (w/4), (height/2) - (h/1.5), eyeRadius * 0.5, eyeRadius * 0.5); //draws antenna circle
    } else {
        //draws a triangle nose / face profile
        line (width/2, (height/2) - (h/2), width/2, height/2 - eyeRadius);
        line (width/2, height/2 - eyeRadius, (width/2) - (w/8), (height/2) + (h/4));
        line ((width/2) - (w/8), (height/2) + (h/4), width/2, (height/2) + (h/4));
        line (width/2, (height/2) + (h/4), width/2, (height/2 + h/2));        

    print(index.toString()); //prints loop index to console

    if (index > 9) { //repeats the draw command 15 times and stops the loop afterwards


function mousePressed(){
    index = 0;
Sketches to figure out positioning of face elements.

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