One project that particularly stands out to me is the generative jigsaw puzzles by Nervous System, a Massachusetts-based design studio. They write specialized programs that imitate processes found in nature. They then use that code to create projects inspired by organic forms. Their recent geode jigsaw puzzle is made out of slices of agate that mimics the natural variations in how geodes form that changes the puzzle’s shape, color, and pattern, making each one uniquely different. The goal of Nervous System was to forge together the artistry of traditional, hand-made jigsaw puzzles with the possibilities of new technology. It is interesting using man-made technology to imitate nature and try to artificially create nature. However, by doing so, it allows us to recognize and closely analyze on how nature works. This could allow us to make advances to technology and create new opportunities that weren’t possible before.
Nervous System: https://n-e-r-v-o-u-s.com/index.php