Looking Outward 03 – ASOS

The project I am looking at is done by Advanced Synthesis Option Studios’s Dana Cupkova, in collaboration with Nina Schatz, Nana Choi, Kimberly McDonald, Gloriana Gonzales, and Avanti Dabholkar. The projects, “Epiflow: Towards Resiliency of Post-Soviet City Networks” and “Other Natures,” drew me in because of their attitude towards environment and ecological sustainability. I admire that they accept the damage to our biosphere and use it as an opportunity to better our architectural practices. Through simulation and iteration, they are able to test designs against the variables of the universe. I have no idea about the algorithms, although I would assume that they use them to simulate various conditionals: if “x” happens, then what? Each artist brings their own touch to the overall project. However, it seems that for the most part those indivdiual touches are more about the how each piece of the puzzle functions than about the pieces themselves.


OTHER NATURES   (S14) | Nana Choi (B.Arch 2015)
OTHER NATURES (S14) | Nana Choi (B.Arch 2015)

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