rdrice_sectionC_Project 2_FACE

//Robert Rice
//Section C

var gender = 0  //"gender", determines eyelashes
var eyeSize = 10    //sets eye diameter
var eyeSquint = 1   //how squinted the eyes are
var eyebrowLength = 70  //how long the eyebrows are
var mouthLength = 90    //how long the mouth is
var mouthPosition = 0   //adjust how high up the mouth is
var noseX1 = 250    //adjusts the base of the nose
var noseY1 = 230
var noseX2 = 270       //adjust the tip of the nose
var noseY2 = 220

function setup() {
    createCanvas(400, 400);
    text("p5.js vers 0.9.0 test.", 10, 15);
    angleMode(DEGREES); //degrees bc i'm bad at math

function draw() {
    background(0)   //black background

    stroke(255);    //white lines bc the background is black
    strokeWeight(3);    //draws the basic face shape
    line(140,270, 127,220);
    arc(193,202, 136,136, 165, 73.38);
    line(212,268, 232,288);

    strokeWeight(2);    //stroke weight for facial features

    if (gender>0.5) {   //Gives the face eyelashes if it's 'female'
        line(186,180, 172,180); //does nothing if the face is 'male'
        line(186,180, 174,173);
        line(186,180, 180,168);

        line(186+97,180, 172+97,180);
        line(186+97,180, 174+97,173);
        line(186+97,180, 180+97,168);

    noStroke();     //Makes the pupils
    ellipse(186,180, eyeSize, eyeSize / eyeSquint); //pupils squint based on
    ellipse(186+97,180, eyeSize, eyeSize / eyeSquint);  //eyeSquit variable

    stroke(255);    //makes the eyebrow arcs, which move with the eyes
    arc(201,6-((eyeSize/eyeSquint)/2), 351,351, eyebrowLength, 94.91);  
    //left eyebrow arc
    arc(201+97,6-((eyeSize/eyeSquint)/2), 351,351, eyebrowLength, 94.91);   
    //right eyebrow arc

    arc(246,78 - mouthPosition, 342,342, mouthLength,111.06);  //mouth

    triangle(255,188, noseX1,noseY1, noseX2,noseY2);

function mousePressed() {
    // when the user clicks, these variables are reassigned
    // to random values within specified ranges. 
    gender = random(0,1);   //variables defined at top of code
    eyeSize = random(6,20);
    eyeSquint = random(1,2);
    eyebrowLength = random(69.42, 82.17);
    mouthLength = random(79.13, 104.53);
    mouthPosition = random(0,35);
    noseX1 = random(247, 260);
    noseY1 = random(200, 238);
    noseX2 = random(270, 290);
    noseY2 = random(199, 232);

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