LO-03-Computational Art

Silk Pavilion II

The final presentation of the project.

This project explores how humankind can combine kinetic manufacturing with the nature’s biological construction. I’m most amazed by the fact that the creators actually directed the movement of the silkworms to monitor the thickness and silk layer produced. I admire this aspect so much because silkworms are living creatures and there are is no way that we can communicate with them to discipline or guide them, which makes the process of developing the kinetic manipulation very difficult since one tiny miscalculated factor could lead to a totally unexpected result structure.

I assume the team combined chemical, biological, physics, architectural and programming knowledge to put this project together. They should’ve programmed the various environmental factors of the room to be within a certain range for the silkworms to move the way they are expected to as well as calculating the position and size of the holes in the structure that release tensile stress.

During the construction of the structure.

The team’s architectural background made this project a good combination of the natural curvy shape and scientific cleanness of the structure.

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