LO 4 – Sound Art

Noosphere-Aegis by Salvador Breed (2018)

Salvador Breed is a creator of music, sound design, art and technology. He combines sound and technology for installations, performances, and fashion shows. He collaborates with different fashion designers, artists, musicians, etc. to create a harmony between the music and the shows. The algorithms of the music are based on different meanings the shows carry or the specific moments in shows where emphasis is needed. Breed focuses on the “atmospheres, movements and impacts, blending boundaries between music and sound design” mostly using field recordings and modern technologies. As a choreographer of sound, Breed’s interests and sensibilities are manifested throughout the entirety of his music as all of his works are generally focused on natural ambience, silence, space, breaths, etc. A specific piece of work that gave me inspiration is Noosphere / Aegis, an interactive composition for installation by Salvador Breed and Phillip Beesley’s Living Architecture Systems Group in 2018. Noosphere is composed of spherical structures embedded with artificial intelligence that allows interaction with the audience. Salvador manifests his natural and silent sounds that go along smoothly with the moving installation piece. Their sound and computation collaboration can be found in the link below (or title).


The installation immersion, circulation, and background music by Salvador Breed can be found below (starting at 1:20).

Interactive composition for installation view
Interactive composition for installation view

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