LO 04 – Sound Art

Estudio Guto Requena

Noíze Chairs

Noize Chair, Sao Paulo, Brazil 2012

Today, I will be talking about a project called Noíze Chair (São Paulo, Brazil 2012) by Guto Requena. The Noíze Chair was digitally conceived from the merge of sounds captured in the streets of Sao Paulo with a Brazilian design Icon. The Giraffe Chain by Lima Bo Bardo, Marcelo Ferraz, and Marcelo Suzuki was digitally modeled in 3D, a genuine reproduction of its physical model. This digital model was deformed through its fusion with audio files collected at Santa Ifigênia Street – Downtown Sao Paulo. The result is a manifest-chair, that instigates reflection beyond the act of sitting. The digital file with the audio and the chair was then 3D printed. City voices, suburban noises and the resonance of concrete Braizilian design landmarks is placed in a piece that exceeds the normal design process. I admire this project because it merges Product design with culture, and history of the geological location. The end result is not only a visually effective design, but a piece that carries so much meaning and story behind it. The multiple recorded city noises are overlapped and average, then the sound waves are reflected on the chair as a “shockwave.” It is clear to see Guto Requena’s artistic abilities manifest in his piece through his thoughtful process and understanding of culture and providing a new product to experience it in a different way. 

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