Looking Outwards 04: Sound Art

Sonic Playground — Playful acoustics by Yuri Suzuki caught my attention and I found it an interesting installation. I admire how it is interactive and that each sculpture is a different color since each sculpture transmits different sounds. I admire this because those who are hard of hearing would be able to feel the vibrations since they are large sculptures. It seems very accessible and interactive (in varying ways) for all people. The installation is made through horns and pipes through which specially computed acoustics travel through. The software used to develop this project is called Grasshopper, which allows for frequency ranges and wave behavior can be simulated. Based on Yuri Suzuki’s previous works, it seems that the artist enjoys having large and open installations where anyone can interact with it. I thought it was a great way to incorporate sound without resorting to the use of bluetooth speakers or more basic forms of audio speakers.

The installations have varying shapes and varying colors. It has different heights, making it accessible for everyone, and provides an interactive hearing/vibration experience.

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