LO-04: Blue Jeans and Bloody Tears

Blue Jeans and Bloody Tears is an AI-generated eurovision song written by AI, sung by Izhar Cohen, produced by Avshalom Ariel, and published online by Sweaty Machines. The creators fed AI hundreds of eurovision song lyrics & melodies to a neural network, which then created thousands of lines, licks, melodies, beats, etc. From these a few elements were then carefully selected and “welded” together to create the final piece.

The project, amazingly, produced an eerily catchy song despite its nonsensical lyrics. Commenters even inferred deep meanings from the lyrics, despite the fact that they were generated at random. Through the insanity, the instincts of the producers for selecting the catchiest beats shines through in a song that makes you suspicious that maybe AI really is coming for all of our jobs after all.


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