String Art Geometry

I wanted to use string art and math to create a geometric pattern. The more I was able to understand the math, the easier the designs were to make.

Strings and GeometryDownload
//used to rotate the center shapes
var angle = 0

function setup() {
    createCanvas(300, 400);

function draw() {
    //creates the 45 degree rotated blue/green square
    //draws square in the center of canvas
    translate(width / 2, height / 2);
    //rotates square with mouse click clockwise
    rotate(radians(45 + angle));
    //for loop creates the square / lines that appear to curve
    for (var i = 0; i <= 25; i++) {
        stroke(110, 215, 255);
        line(100, -100 + 8 * i, 100 - 8 * i, 100)
        stroke(110, 255, 224);
        line(100 - 8 * i, 100, -100, 100 - 8 * i);
        stroke(110, 255, 177);
        line(-100, 100 - 8 * i, -100 + 8 * i, -100);
        stroke(110, 255, 144);
        line(-100 + 8 * i, -100, 100, -100 + 8 * i)
    //creates the 22.5 degree rotated blue/green square
    translate(width / 2, height / 2);
    //rotates square with mouse click counterclockwise
    rotate(radians(-45/2 - angle));
    //creates the square and lines that appear to curbe
    for (var i = 0; i <= 25; i++) {
        stroke(110, 215, 255);
        line(100, -100 + 8 * i, 100 - 8 * i, 100)
        stroke(110, 255, 224);
        line(100 - 8 * i, 100, -100, 100 - 8 * i);
        stroke(110, 255, 177);
        line(-100, 100 - 8 * i, -100 + 8 * i, -100);
        stroke(110, 255, 144);
        line(-100 + 8 * i, -100, 100, -100 + 8 * i)
    //creates the purple/pink square
    translate(width / 2, height / 2);
    //rotates counterclockwise
    //loop creates the square and the grid lines
    for (var i = 0; i <= 25; i++) {
        stroke(255, 106, 213);
        line(100, -100 + 8 * i, 100 - 8 * i, 100)
        stroke(199, 116, 232);
        line(100 - 8 * i, 100, -100, 100 - 8 * i);
        stroke(173, 140, 255);
        line(-100, 100 - 8 * i, -100 + 8 * i, -100);
        stroke(135, 149, 232);
        line(-100 + 8 * i, -100, 100, -100 + 8 * i)
    //creates the purple/pink square starting at a 22.5 degree angle
    translate(width / 2, height / 2);
    //rotate clockwise
    rotate(radians(angle + 45 / 2));
    //loops creates the square and grid lines
    for (var i = 0; i <= 25; i++) {
        stroke(255, 106, 213);
        line(100, -100 + 8 * i, 100 - 8 * i, 100)
        stroke(199, 116, 232);
        line(100 - 8 * i, 100, -100, 100 - 8 * i);
        stroke(173, 140, 255);
        line(-100, 100 - 8 * i, -100 + 8 * i, -100);
        stroke(135, 149, 232);
        line(-100 + 8 * i, -100, 100, -100 + 8 * i)
    //creates one center triangle
    translate(width / 2, height/ 2);
    //rotates counterclockwise
    //loop creates the actual triangle and lines
    for (var i = 0; i <=10; i++) {
        stroke(0, 255, 255);
        line(-50 + 5 * i , 40 - 10 * i, 5 * i, -60 + 10 * i);
        line(5 * i, -60 + 10 * i, 50 - 10 * i, 40);
        line(50 - 10 * i, 40, -50 + 5 * i, 40 - 10 * i)
    //creates other center triangle rotated 180 degrees
    translate(width / 2, height/ 2);
    //rotates clockwise and initially rotated 180 degrees
    rotate(radians(180 + angle));
    //creates the triangle and line art
    for (var i = 0; i <=10; i++) {
        stroke(0, 255, 255);
        line(-50 + 5 * i , 40 - 10 * i, 5 * i, -60 + 10 * i);
        line(5 * i, -60 + 10 * i, 50 - 10 * i, 40);
        line(50 - 10 * i, 40, -50 + 5 * i, 40 - 10 * i)
    //creates the bordering "curves"
    for (var i = 0; i <= 25; i++) {
        stroke(134, 4, 163);
        line(300, 200 + 8 * i, 300 - 6 * i, 400);
        line(150 - 6 * i, 400, 0, 400 - 8 * i);
        line(0, 200 - 8 * i, 6 * i, 0);
        line(150 + 6 * i, 0, 300, 8 * i);
        line(6 * i, 100 - 6 * i, 150 + 6 * i, -50 + 6 * i);
        line(0, 200 - 8 * i, 12 * i, 0);
        line(300, 200 - 8 * i, 300 - 12 * i, 0);
    //rotates center shapes while mouse is pressed
    if (mouseIsPressed) {
        angle += 2



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