// 15-104 A
function setup() {
createCanvas(400, 300);
function draw() {
var colX = map(mouseX, 0, width, 0, 250);
var colY = map(mouseY, 0, height, 0, 250);
// map mouse pos to color range val
var bgCol = color(colX, colY, 125); // background color
var cirCol = color(colY, colY, 125); // variable obj color
push(); // center diamond backround blob
curveVertex(mouseX/2, mouseY);
curveVertex(mouseX, mouseY/2);
curveVertex(mouseX+(width-mouseX)/2, mouseY);
curveVertex(mouseX, mouseY+(height-mouseY)/2);
curveVertex(mouseX/2, mouseY);
curveVertex(mouseX, mouseY/2);
curveVertex(mouseX+(width-mouseX)/2, mouseY);
for (var i = 0; i < 25; i ++) { // border + diamond line art
// border
let x1 = map (i, 0, 25, mouseX, width); // mid to right vals (x)
let y1 = map (i, 0, 25, 0, mouseY); // top to mid vals (y)
let x2 = map (i, 0, 25, 0, mouseX); // left to mid vals (x)
let y2 = map (i, 0, 25, mouseY, height); // mid to bottom vals (y)
// center diamond
let x1s = map (i, 0, 25, mouseX/2, mouseX);
// half from leftside to mouse
let y1s = map (i, 0, 25, mouseY, mouseY+(height-mouseY)/2);
// half from bottomside to mouse
let x2s = map (i, 0, 25, 0, mouseX/2);
// left to half of mouse
let y2s = map (i, 0, 25, mouseY/2, mouseY);
// half from topside to mouse
let x3s = map (i, 0, 25, mouseX, mouseX+(width-mouseX)/2);
// half from rightside to mouse
let y3s = map (i, 0, 25, mouseY+(height-mouseY)/2, mouseY);
// half from left to mouse
// border
line (x1, 0, width, y1); // top right
line (width, y2, width-x2, height); // bottom right
line (0, y2, x2, height); // bottom left
line (width-x1, 0, 0, y1); // top left
// diamond
line (x1s, mouseY, mouseX, y1s); // top left
line (mouseX, y2s, mouseX-x2s, mouseY); // top right
line (mouseX, y2s, x3s, mouseY); // bottom right
line (mouseX, y3s, x3s, mouseY); // bottom left
line (mouseX, mouseY, mouseX+(width-mouseX)/2, mouseY)
// xtra line from cent to right