Looking Outwards 05: 3D Computer Graphics

Jae Son
Section C

Looking Outwards 05: 3D Computer Graphics

Olympthings by Branko Kolarevik and Ryan Cook was particularly interesting to me. It is a conceptual architecture of a tower. It is a conceptual work in which curates tower that is a repurposed structure of things changed through time. According to Kolarevik and Cook, “The interior is defined through advection and perlin noise algorithms which help to create openings and pathways for people to access. Variations of these algorithms are repeated throughout each structural layer to create a blurring effect when viewed from afar.” It is a theoretical work, so I am not sure of what kind of algorithms they used to generate this, but I suppose it will be something that is looped. I admire its creativity and imagination, and its beautifully executed composition and details. Massive amounts of series of lines are intertwined to create the tower architecture, and I admire this sensibilities in the detail and complex structure.


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